March 7th, 2021 5:09PM EST~A Gentle Return

I realize it has been some time, obviously, and I know I said I'd be back after new years, and TECHNICALLY THATS STILL TRUE, but its been a BIT since then, so....I'm mostly sorry to myself, lol
As I mentioned in my last post foreeever ago, I did indeed get a Sweets Meets, and I really like it, especially with the new Magic Hut download. I've been using it on all my Meets and it makes it so much easier for me to run multiple tamas at once without being too stressed out about my time lmaoo

heres the part where i talk about pokemon for a while

For some reason, I decided to start playing like 4 different Pokemon games at once, just after my birthday (which was great, I got an exercise bike!) so I've been weirdly busy with that, and work mostly.
The games I'm replaying are Soul Silver, White, and Sword and then also I'm playing for the FIRST TIME Pokemon Pearl.
Honestly tho, I've been much more invested in my White play thru, because It's no joke my favourite generation of Pokemon.


This is my team so far, I love all of them dearly! I personally don't understand why ppl talk about this gen as like, the worst designs in pokemon history, cause practically all of my favs are from this gen. Solosis is a beautiful baby jello cup, and I will love Vanillite's whole line forever. Anyway, it's also one of my fav gens for like, the peripheral stuff? Like the gen before had the Pokewalker, which is great, but the amount of downloadable stuff from the website in that time was SO COOL! Not to mention the dream link stuff, I used that shit soooo much! I really miss it in this playthru, since those servers got shut in 2020, but the game is still incredible without them.

Also! I am pretty psyched about the Pokemon DPPt remake, since I've never actually played it before, tho its slightly bitter-sweet for me 😒
I ended up searching all over hells half acre for a copy of Platinum (or really any of the three) that was legit, so that I could play it myself finally. Well, I got a copy of Pearl, and like 3 weeks after I'd already recieved it and started playing it, they announced the fuckin remake!
Impeccable timing really, though I will say if the remake doesn't have any of the Platinum updates in it, I REFUSE to buy it.
ALSO!!! I started collecting Pokemon cards again as well! Just all kinds of Pokemon related nostalgia recently, I might also make some pokemon posts here too, since I've gotten a lot of nice cards so far!!!

end pokemon section

In other news, I finally got my PS1 emulation working so I'm replaying Legend of Dragoon and Chrono Cross for the first time since I was like, 12, and I'm enjoying it IMMENSELY. Aside from 🅱ideo games and a new exercise routine tho, everything has been much the same considering we're still QUITE quarentined, but hopefully this coming May there'll be enough people with the vaccine that we can get out and do some stuff again. I think also, I'm going to start posting sticker collection updates on here! I dunno if I've ever actually mentioned on here before, but I have several sticker club subscriptions, and I import stickers from japan relatively frequently (mostly Sumikko Gurashi because I LOVE THEM) soo YEAH. Look forward to that I guess. Also gonna be making a more Tama-focused post either later tonight or tomorrow about my new Sweets Meets and some of the accessories I got for it, so keep an eye out for those!!!!
See Ya! \(^▽^*)♪