April 12th, 2021 2:08PM EST~Domain Changes, and more

Hewwo again y'all uwu/
Obviously a lot has happened once again, so let me fill y'all in on some of the more pertinent things that I've been up to in recent weeks.

Firstly, and probably most obviously, I had kind of a rebrand recently! LiquidRat, the new site name, and my new (sort of) brand name.
I went thru all of my socials and changed them to match, is'nt that neat? I was pretty tired of using Onishiri to be honest, it's an old username I came up with when I was around 12 or 13, and it just didn't fit my vibe anymore. Also, I got vaccinated! Now I'm in recovery, and soon I'll be able to do shit again!!!

ALSO! I'm VERY hype for my new Digimon Pendulum Z
(that I literally just ordered today @w@;;;)
I have ZERO chill and the second I got my stimmy I started looking at what vpet I wanted to get. I'd been interested in the pendulum series for a while, since that was one I'd not tried yet, and I'd heard it had roughly the same battle style as the X, so I went ahead and got myself the Nightmare Soldiers version.

Aside from this stuff, my FFXIV Free Company has been THRIVING, and we have a lot of new members we've been helping thru content. It's been really good to see the older cutscenes again, to get a refresher on the story in preparation for Endwalker, which I'm MORE HYPE FOR THAN ANY OTHER EXPAC SO FAR.... Anyway, this is gonna be a smaller update since my arm is still KILLING ME from getting vaccinated, so for now I'll leave the bigger updates for future me to deal with.
See y'all next time! (❁´◡`❁)