July 12th, 2023 1:26AM EST~Moderneopets has me by the balls
So I found out that there are neopets fan sites and went a little nuts joining as many as I could, as fast as I could.
As you may have guessed from the title of this update, I am overwhelmingly in love with Moderneopets, and I fully reccomend literally everyone who likes browser based pet games to sign up.
First of all, they have fan made neopet species, and among them I have found my love, the Ginko;

(normal ginko are NOT 3 headed, this one is just a custom oc of mine :3c)
and also the Tatsu, which was apparently the beta version of the Eyrie?? Why on earth neopets would change a chonky fwuffy dragon into a griffon is beyond me, but thank god for my beloved (dark) Faerie Tatsu :3c

ALSO, as you might have guessed from the above images, they let you change the overlay image for each of your pets on the site!!!!! AND ITS NOT JUST FOR YOU, OTHERS SEE IT TOO!!! AAAAAAAA I LOVE IT
My autism/adhd has coalesced to make me obsessed with writing up lore for all my neopets, and ive added a neopets page to the site and will defo be updating it as I flesh things out!!
Which is weird and new for me, because I dont even write lore for my fuckin OCs that ive had for like, 10+ years, and yet here I am frothing at the mouth about my dark faerie seccession AU for fucking neopets of all things.
Yeah so I decided since moderneo hasnt had any of the fall of faerieland stuff happen (yet? idk??) that in my fun quirked up white boy AU, the dark faeries NOT aligned with the darkest faerie (ie the dark faeries who arent evil)
decide that they dont like being stereotyped by the other faeries as evil, and secede from the main cloud of Faerieland to create their own settlement above the Haunted Woods, which ive tentatively called the Dark Cloud.
Ive always wondered what other fun spooky stuff could be out in the Haunted Woods since I was a kid, so I wanted to add something to that area, and ended up putting like...all of my neopets stories in that area LOL
I also wrote a bit of lore for some neopets who live outside the main Haunted Woods settlement, like the backwoods bayou ppl of Neopea basically lmao
anyways, I'll keep updating my neopets bio's and the neopets page on here till my brain is satisfied!
see y'all in the next update!