August 26th, 2023 9:15PM EST~Chao Garden Milestones and More

Hello hello 2 another of my sporadical posts. I like that actually, i might change this section of the website to sporadical posts...
ok whatever, anywaysss- i have been very very busy being a cool artist on the internet and drawing funy pictures for money (and also neopoints whoopsie tee hee) BUT
I have still had plenty of time to waste on viddy game, primarily Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Phantasy Star Universe Clementine.
Not a lot to say on the PSU front, I play that to turn my brain off and grind shit out, and its great for that, but i am a lil irked that im not high enough level to do the september event thats goin on rn.
SONIC, THOUGH...SO MUCH GOIN ON IN MY CHAO GARDEN....Firstly, I wanna point it out at the top here that I do play using mods, specifically Chao World Extended and Enhanced Chao World, as well as a third party Chao editor called K2ChaoEditor3 (tho i only use this to backup my chao gardens files)
anyways, one of the settings on Chao World Extended lets you WIN jewel chao from the jewel races, which if you know how you get jewel chao originally, you will agree that that isnt that bad of a "cheat".
So I won a lovely Aquamarine chao,whom i have named SPOUT, as well as a few others that I havent started working on yet.

I loves hims and am planning on making him a Normal chao, since I try to keep things even between the three gardens. I also managed to accidentally get a Chaos Chao?? OOPS??

This is Dewy, one of my oldest chao. He and Meat are the first two chao I got in my PC SA2B garden, and the two chao I used to unlock the Hero and Dark gardens, respectfully. I havent spent as much time working in the Dark garden lately, so Dewy is a lot more developed than Meat, but I also have no real want to change Meat into anything other than what he is rn.
ANYWAY, I had literally no idea Dewy was like, well done enough to evolve into a Chaos Chao, and I was actually trying to even out his stats more when it happened, so its a bit of a bummer that I cant get his stats any better since he is now IMMORTAL...but its fine because IVE NEVER HAD A CHAOS CHAO BEFORE?? I heard rumors about them as a kid and then at one point googled them when i was younger, but I never managed to get one as a child, so Dewy is my lifelong first ever chaos chao.
im pretty happy with how he looks, and honestly it makes sense for him to be my first since he was my first hatched chao. aaaaaaaaanyway, imma go play more chao garden BYEEE