September 20th, 2024 4:04AM EST~Webbing my Site

Sooooo I'm finally comitting to having a dedicated NSFW part of my site, even tho originally I was going to keep all of it SFW just in caseys. HOPEFULLY the fact that im hiding it behind 3 separate pages with warnings will ease my guilt and make it so no one accidentally stumbles upon the evil horny on main that lies within. I'm also runnin' around the rest of my site and like, sprucing up and changing things to be a lil better where I can. Working on some more concrete stuff for the OC's page so its not just unreadable mess, and made my main page's posts LARGER! MORE IN CHARGE! Because I want people to read what the fuck I'm spending precious time writing, okay?
In recent news, I've been getting commissioned to draw my own OC a LOT which has been incredible. Prince Melon (the OC in question) is an OC ive had for a very long time, but I only ever get the time/desire to draw him when its either very much halloween season, or if I'm back on the Luigi's Mansion brainrot, which has never coincided quite so hard before!! I've been playing the new HD switch release of Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon (which is also, funnily enough, the game that spawned Prince Melon into being in the first place) and I have been hardcore craving halloweeny vibes since like, march? but it got really bad in august too. I've already watched Scary Godmother 1 and 2 multiple times this year, which I promised myself I'd at least wait til august to do (AND I DID) but I got a little stuck on them this year and ended up watching them like, 3 times back to back? oopie.
Anyway, I digress; all the new nsfw space is going to be for Prince Melon and his lore, and all the characters and shenanigans that he comes with. He was originally just a self insert character because, shocker, i have a thing for King Boo and Bowser (no one saw this coming)(this is sarcasm)
Over time Prince Melon became an OC with a much different personality and overall look than me, and I ended up coming up with a lot of lore for him and a lot of 'supporting cast' type OC's to interact with him in his universe, which I refer to as the Melonverse (lol) so I don't really see him as much as an extention of myself as I used to! I will always feel that way tho, somewhat, with like, all my OC's. I think that's just like, an inevitable part of owning/making OC's, I can't really come up with characters who are TOTALLY, WHOLLY unlike me. It's why I can never bring myself to play a TRULY evil character in games, I just feel bad. ANYWAY
Hopefully the changes to the site will be good ones that people will enjoy, which isn't something I'm aiming for so if you don't like them, keep that to yourself. I only just realized like a month ago that people follow my site updates on neocities, so if you're reading this THANKS I GUESS I HOPE YOU LIKE IT BUT ALSO ITS NOT FOR YOU ITS FOR ME SO EITHER WAY I PROBABLY WONT THINK TOO HARD ABOUT IT! I GUESS!
OKAY, till next time!! BYE!! thats the end! Thats the end of the post now! Get out! Go look at my other pages or something! BYE!